Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How Smart Phones have changed the World

Think back to march 1997 what did cell phones look like, most looked like a rectangular messes. Companies would take a camera shove buttons and a screen onto a point and shoot camera and market it as a cell phone. Flash forwarding today our phones have changed as well as the way they have changed the world around use. Not to sound like an apple fan boy, thanks iPhone.

The way we interact with our devices. Today its not uncommon for a person to have a touch device. The button on the phone is gone. Like the white tiger, buttons are rare on device of today, replaced by a screen that can become any button or multiple buttons thanks to multi-touch screens. With this technology unshackled developers, giving them new inventive ways for button layouts and changing landscapes for input. Even voice recognition systems have come to change how to use the phone. Apple and Google both have a very robust voice recognition system. Although its not new, they have been greatly improved and now can understand regular speech. Phrase like “what was the score of the Gaints game” is now recognized, in the past the system would only beable to pick out keywords instead of understanding the actual speech and language. It is exciting to see what comes next in the phone market.

Apps Apps and more Apps. These little programs have changed our lives. Just like I said in my last post. Apps have been created to do random tasks from a level to playstion emulator. Today the apple store alone has paid developers over five billion. Staggering that it is more then some counties budgets.

The internet at your feet. Phones today are always connected from the class room to the mountain tops. This has changed the everything from social networks to news. Everyone is connected from foursquare tagging to instant massaging, some could say to connected. Because of these phone plans have become very expensive but this has become to most a necessity in the same vein as gasoline.

Smart phones changed the market. With a shot of adrenaline the phone market was revived. Cell phones became the front runner of technology devices, beating the laptop and others. We live in a world there there is a new iPhone every year and the sales keep growing. There are also millions of android, windows 8 and black berry devices. There has been a culture and innovation birthed from this new tech industry. The outlook of tech is very bright


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