Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How Smart Phones Changed My Life

I try to think about a time without smart phones. My mind draw a blank. I do not know whether it was really that long ago or because it was a horrible time. Flash backs of sitting in the waiting room of a random doctors office looking at the drab pastel wall and plastic plants, fighting the urge to read some random women's magazine because the sole popular mechanics magazine had been snatched another by equally desperate male. Equally as frustrating is visiting a big city and perplexed by the public transport, lost in while reading the random colored lines called the subway map. Thankfully, smart phones have cured most of these moments of confusion and boredom. I'll illuminate on a few instances.

Smart phones help us navigate our world. Thinking back I can not remember any time in recent memory of getting lost, unless I had no signal. Now a days everyone has some kind of map app on their phone. Like our phones these apps have gotten more and more robust over the years. Asking for directions is an ancient ritual. Which must be sad for gas station attendants because they no longer get random strangers asking where the freeways are. We are always connected. My best experience with map apps was when i was using the subway. Many people are stuck looking at confusing schematics of train tracks. We are stuck playing a wears waldo game with the “you're here” sign, now easily solved with an app. This technology eases the pains of transport.

This is not always a good thing but killing the great debates. Any one can be a know it all with a press of a button. This is not always a good thing but having the internet at your finger tips may save some time. Many times people find themselves in a heated discussion about some topic with who knows what by people that claim to be experts or sometimes answering that burning question of the night. Being able to “google” things helps the conversations move on, so you're not left debating for hours about what country Angelina Joey adopted her baby from. Being a know it all has never been so easy especially informing ones classmate of the exact the Laker game score.

This may sound dumb but planners. Some have called me very absent minded, because of this I must write everything down. Now, I can put things down in calendars, set reminders and have Facebook remind of my friend's birthdays.

My favorite is the games. It makes the mall, waiting rooms, and number 2's much much more amusing. When one's significant other goes into the dressing room to try on pants can feels like eternity. Luckily, now there are thousands of apps clasping for your attention, ranging from “angry birds” to “ant smasher, best free game.” These little distractions help break the monotony of everyday life and the satisfaction of some Norwegian in words with friends.


Picture Sources google images

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