Wednesday, December 5, 2012

SMS turns 20

Today is the 20th anniversary of the a medium of communication that brought us the declined door bell. Why ring or knock when one could just simply text and your friend will open the door and usher you in. Other uses but not limited to are not talking to family at dinner, instead text Susie, ask her what she is eating for dinner. If you haven’t realized what I am talking about it is SMS.

The first SMS message was sent 20 years go. The father of SMS was. Matti Makkonen. Makkonen pushed the idea of a mobile phone messaging service. The BBC had an interview with him about the start of SMS. Makkaonen didn’t expect it to be the way it has become today. He considered it to be a system for quick business needs but still saw the “patentable innovation.”

Nokia was the first company to make a handset capable of text messaging. This was not the start of the revolution. In 1995 people sent average message of 0.4 text per month. 15 years later people sent over 6.1 trillion messages in 2010.

Text messaging has become a huge staple in our culture. Think of all the times where you texted instead of calling, think about the last time you went over in minutes on your plan. Most of our day to day interaction has been turned to quick burst of abbreviations and acronyms. Which is good and bad. The good is the speed on communication and information on demand. We have the ability to invite all our friends to dinner in one message, fast clean simple. Also, we can check our messages when we are ready to and not interrupting our current tasks. The bad is the lack of human interaction. We talk less and question less. Our communication has become streamlined to the point where this is less discussion. For instance say you call your friend for dinner, you talk to him about the plans and he suggests to go to another place that is better thus changing the plan. Yes, this happens on text but text is not really a great form of debate.

After the dust settles SMS has still provided us with a better way to communicate with each other. It has shaped us as a culture and sped up our response time for many things. Thanks SMS and here is to another 20 years.


Picture Sources,,,,

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